This is a symbol showing how I'm still growing | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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Hello it's been a long summer and yet another GT project has come to challenge us! For our first project we have to make a manifesto publicly declaring what we want out of life. In this manifesto I'll have to include 5 personal quotes I live by, personal symbols that hints who I am and pictures that further explain that. You know what this talk of me wants me to talk about another topic: me! Here's some interesting stuff about me currently: just for the new readers.
plus it's kind of a requirement My favorite movie for now is Mad Max: Fury Road just because of the cool car designs and the cool "apocalypse" feel to the movie. I love fictional books but my personal favorite genres are sword and sorcery and space fantasy books. I'm a regular music listener and some people ask me, "Hey, do you have a favorite music genre?" and I usually reply in a "I don't know, don't have one.", as long as the song makes you feel something deep inside you and/or it makes you want to dance there is a very high chance I'll love it (but I do have to say that I'm more likely to love acoustic music). My favorite subjects in school is Science and Language Arts because I am particularity skilled in those subjects. Because of my skill in Language Arts I have dreams of being an author.
Here is an example of what I'm gonna put in my manifesto, basically quotes and values that I live by- "Strangers are just friends you haven't met" "Live by your own standards" "Never let dreams be dreams" "You have to go with what feels right" "When you think of something great, write it down on paper" "When you see something beautiful, paint a picture" "Laugh even more than you already do" "Close your eyes and jump!" "Break every barrier" "Go to sleep knowing that you did everything you wanted that day" "Make everyday different" "Everyday should be a just a jewel in a vast treasure vault" Life is too short too be doing something other than fun" You have to go with what feels right" "Rock the boat a little"
"Die happy and satisfied"
This explains how we are just a small part o a bigger mechanism |
My manifesto should relate to everybody because it talks about how much everybody wants to be happy, and how everybody wants to be the best that they want to be.( "Laugh even more than you already do" "Break every barrier" "Never let dreams be dreams" etc) My manifesto also talks about the struggle of the journey of being your best. Some of my quotes also highlight some of my hobbies like drawing and writing and it can also relate to amateur and professional photographers and artist. ("When you think of something great, write it down on paper" "When you see something beautiful, paint a picture") There are also some bits which explain some of my main traits like my impulsiveness which every person has to some degree. ("Close your eyes and jump!", "Rock the boat a little") There are also many messages of making the most of everyday which I know everybody wants to do! ("Die happy and satisfied", "Make everyday different" "Make everyday different" "Everyday should be a just a jewel in a vast treasure vault" etc)
This symbol explains how bright this tennis ball will always stay |
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