I think that teaching coding in schools is really important because of the transition of paper and pen work to over-the-computer work in the world. Things outside of school have grown more advanced and in order to keep up with the evolution of the world we have to teach our youth the next best thing: coding and computers. Many of the jobs today, no matter how old-fashioned they claim to be, have some degree of technology involved in the job description which makes technology a must for any job and it appalls be that the stats say that only 1 out of 10 kids know coding! It we are gonna grow as people our younger generations have to be ready to step up to take the older generation's place. How exactly are we going to do that if the children of the next generation doesn't know how to work a computer?

My first experience with coding was somewhere in the 6th grade with my computer teacher Ms. Fujimoto. We had to do Lesson 1 in code.org (like in GT) and I kind of crashed and burned at it. I mean, at first it was easy and all that but as it got progressively harder that's when the crashing and burning started. NO matter how hard I tried I couldn't really make any sense of it and I really couldn't move past the halfway point. But I'm MUCH better now!

If I could design any game I wanted than I would want to make a seemingly simple time-passer/waster but it's actually really challenging and addicting! If you don't get my drift than just then just think Flappy Bird, Crossy Road and aa. They're really frustrating, granted, but grossing all the same, making lots of money for the maker (namely me) and fun for the people you get the app! (I'd make it free of course) If I do become a professional at coding and all that, I wanna make a RPG exploring quest type of game like Skyrim or World of Warcraft!
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