David Hockney's joiners are really different from everyone's pictures because they combine many pictures in order to make a picture depicting the bigger picture. NO one really does that since he was the first photographer to do so. His paintings have a distinct look to them too since they appear to be separated by lines, just like his joiner photography. His joiners don't really appear to be well connected and they appear to be completely abstract and impressionistic, and in the end you have to look at one of his joiners for a very long time in order to fully understand it.
Finished product |
Pictures have voices, messages even, and images have a way of projecting positive/negative voices/messages. Some images make you feel at peace and relaxed, while some photos can send a sense of foreboding on you. The elements put into a picture determine what message/voice a photo adopts. If the range of color is only dark, and taken in an enclosed place then the picture is bound to have a negative voice about it. If the colors are vibrant and taken in an open place, then the the voice of the picture is bound to be positive, and well liked.
For my photomontage I plan to do something that kind of says what I want to do in my future, and that's really primarily writing. So I want to a kind of messy pile of papers and pencils just strewn all over the place, but when I took the pictures I realized something pretty awesome! My papers coincidentally formed a really crude heart! So I think that particular element would really speak to the people view it. Unintentional sure, but really welcome and needed!
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