Friday, March 11, 2016

MOV Film Festival

In class we're now doing a GT staple, a tradition of a sort: MOVIE TRAILERS! Our basic goal is to either "Tell Me A Story" or to "Make You LAUGH" and our team decided to make you LAUGH! We're making a sitcom about two completely CLUELESS people and tossing them to the native Hawaiian islands. There they meet a friend and they try to learn the Hawaiian culture in a couple of days. Our keywords are Fitting In , Exaggeration and Learning. In film making, creating keywords are an essential part because they are words that basically summarize our story and a guideline to our whole story.

With our story it symbolizes the struggle of trying to fit in in a completely new setting and how we all stumble and fall at one point. Of course we try to lace some comedy into this, but the overall message is there. We all try to convey that having a good and dependable friend in a new setting is an enormously helpful thing to have. A guide or a guardian angel of sorts really. It also captures the interest of being and learning about a totally new mindset, as told when our characters learn about the Hawaiian culture and its inner workings. (mainly pidgin in our sitcom though)

Our biggest challenge on this project was finding the time to film and making our deadlines on time.
The places we had to go were really hard to drive to and the conditions weren't the best with lots of background noise and some other problems. We also got in our own way with difficulties to filming and making time for it. Because of these obstacles meeting the different deadlines for different things became a challenge and significantly lowered our grade. But in the end, we came together and we made something we deemed unique and excellent.

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